Eye Exam

We really believe in offering you top quality eye care and taking our time to do it properly. Rest assured that if there are any problems, we will spot them. Firstly, you’ll be asked some questions about your overall eye health, family history and any changes in your vision since your last check-up.

You’ll then have a series of checks using the latest, advanced eye care technology. As well as advising you if you need help with your vision, we’ll check your eyes for signs of serious eye conditions, like glaucoma or macular degeneration.

Advanced Retinal Photography and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT).
Taking the time to listen, learn and offer comprehensive solutions.

We Value Patient Relationships.

No two sets of eyes are the same, so to help this we tailor our eye exams to suit different age groups.

Honest Professional Advice

Once the tests have been completed, Jaimin will discuss the findings and relate these to any symptoms you may have. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

If you need help with your eyesight, Jaimin and our Dispensing Optician Ruqayya (or Ruqs as we know her) will discuss a suitable solution to meet your visual needs.

Of course, we hope there won’t be any serious problems, but if there are, you can be sure we’ll discuss them with you clearly and sensitively.

Not everyone’s sight changes from year to year, so we’ll give you honest advice about this too.

Book an eye test with us online

or call us on 020 8998 2121